
Andrew is a Neurodivergent National Teaching Fellow, librarian, and trainer. He is currently part-time Development Manager for Academic Libraries North, but this page is unrelated to that job – this is what I do for the rest of my week. Until recently he worked in a UK Higher Education library as a manager on the liaison and teaching side of the service.

In addition to running freelance workshops and training on topics such as teaching, leadership, and neurodiversity, normally with a focus on playfulness or play. He’s written and edited many things on information literacy, play, teaching, leadership, neurodiversity and fairy tales including books and journal articles; together with setting up and running the diamond open access Journal of Play in Adulthood.

He’s available to run workshops and training, most of which are in person, but some which also suit online delivery. He’s currently editing a book on Neurodivergent experiences of the library workplace and trying to write on Playful Leadership.

If you need to get in touch, please email andy (at) nomagic.uk , contact me via social media (@Playbrarian on most of them), or use the form on the contact page.