Neurodivergence in the workplace training

This training tries to get away from “this is what someone with ADHD is like”, or “these 3 tools are what your autistic team member should use” that seems to dominate lots of neurodiversity training.

Instead, it presents lots of common neurodivergent traits, asking (neurotypical) workshop participants to consider how typical workplace scenarios might impact someone with a selected number of those traits… and how we might adapt so that no-one was disadvantaged. We then mix extra “traits” into the scenario to see if our adaptions would still work.

Scenarios are chosen depending on the need of the group, but might include one or more areas such as workplace environment, staff development, or recruitment and selection.

We also cover some basics of common neurodivergencies such as autism, adhd, dyspraxia, dyslexia, etc.

This workshop is most suitable for groups of neurotypical managers who want to get the best out of the neurodivergent talent in their teams. It can vary in length depending on the number or range of scenarios we work through.

Workshop attendees will leave with a set of materials to help them develop further.


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